Sindy in Autumn
Puppy Love Sindy
Let’s meet Puppy Love Sindy You’ll never see Sindy without her beloved Buttons bouncing along beside her. Every day, the pair train together for the annual Puppy Tricks contest. It’s not always easy—Buttons is a cheeky pup who gets easily distracted by the squirrels in the park. Luckily, this loveable pooch will do anything for a doggy treat. Buttons loves to play outdoors, so Sindy’s wardrobe when they’re out together is hip and practical. She likes to accessorise with one of mum’s colourful silk scarfs, which glams up any outfit—even jeans and wellies. Buttons likes to dress up too, proudly sporting his favourite cherry red collar whenever he’s out and…
Ballet Spotlight Sindy
Let’s Meet Ballet Spotlight Sindy Ballet is Sindy’s passion. One day, she hopes to be a prima ballerina, but knows that’s a really tough ask. For now, rehearsals keep her on her toes. Sindy’s natural talent often sets her apart from the crowd, but she works really hard too as she knows that to have any chance of becoming a ballerina requires dedication. Just like her toes, her costume is en pointe and gives her the confidence to plié and pirouette like a pro. Swan Lake is Sindy’s favourite ballet. With her ballet mad friends, she once saw a live performance. Ever since, she has dreamed of playing Odette—the princess…
Coffee Date Sindy
Let’s Meet Coffee Date Sindy Friends are Sindy’s world. Hanging out with them is permanently at the top of Sindy’s to do list. The local coffee shop is the perfect venue for a girly get together. Sindy always orders a hot chocolate with whipped cream. Heaven! Sindy likes to arrive early so she can read a few chapters of her book or write in her journal. Her friends tease her for keeping an old fashioned diary, but Sindy likes the feel of paper and pen. Sindy also writes a blog called Cool Beans Fashion where she posts pics of her and her besties’ latest outfits. The blog has hundreds of…
Waggin’ Tails! Sindy
Let’s meet Waggin Tails! Sindy Sindy is barking mad about dogs. Pups large and small make Sindy smile. Long walks with her dog Murray are Sindy’s favourite pastime. She loves the exercise and the fresh air, as well as spending time with her furry companion. She adores playing ball or frisbee with Murray as well as canine cuddles. Cheeky Murray likes to splash in the pond and tread his muddy paws all over Mum’s carpet! Because she spends so much time outdoors, Sindy’s wardrobe is stylish but practical. Boots and leggings with a short skirt and funky jumper are ideal for a doggie day out. If it’s cold, the flame-haired…
Pink & Black Sindy
Let’s Meet Pink & Black Sindy Bold and brave, Sindy does not like to blend in with the crowd. This super cool teen’s ambition is to go to art school to study fashion design. Sindy expresses her passion for patterns in her clothes. Stripes, spots and bows feature heavily in her wardrobe. Hot pink is one of her favourite colours. She loves to contrast it with black. Sindy spends a lot of time designing new outfits in her sketchbook. Her friends adore her unique style ask her for fashion tips. Sometimes she gives her mates makeovers and puts on mini fashion shows for her family. One day, Sindy hopes to…