The 50th Anniversary Sindy Makeover Finalists
See all of the Sindy’s that made the finals of the Facebook Makeover competition to bring Sindy up to date for her golden year.
In no particular order we’re pleased to share 16 of the 21 finalists…
1. Day to Night by Cheryl Sewell
“I decided to make my Sindy into a doll that my seven-year-old daughter would love to play with. I have re-rooted her using mahogany saran hair as I think Sindy has always been popular with red hair and mahogany is such a lovely shade.
I have kept her hair long but a realistic length and straight so it is easy to brush and can be styled in lots of different ways, I have given her a side parting to fit with current fashion. I think Sindy really suits brown eyes especially with dark hair so I have repainted them.
I wanted Sindy to have a fashionable outfit that would suit both a child or an adult so after looking at current trends I have made her a lace skirted dress with belt that can be worn more casually with her denim jacket or if you remove the jacket can create a more formal look. My daughter loves her dolls to have accessories so I have added a hand bag with a mobile phone and have made her a necklace and bracelet.”
>> See the Day to Night Sindy Style Guide version here

2. Funtime Sindy by Lisa Allwright
>> See the Funtime Sindy Style Guide version here

3. Sindy by Anj Calvo
“I gave Sindy a full face repaint but instead of making her eyes blue I made them green. I also added subtle freckles on her cheek to give her a bit of a quirky feel. I also added longer plugs of hair with a slightly lighter shade to add texture.
Lastly, I made three pieces of clothing for her, I played up shades of pink, grey and black to add a youthful but sophisticated feel. And in the spirit of couture, everything is hand stitched.”

4. Panda Blue by Christine Getgood
>> See Panda Blue in the Sindy Style Guides here

5. Sindy by Jessica Powell

6. Sindy by Patricia Ruiter

7. Irish Coleen by Jocelyn Casey
“I’m not a hairdresser and have no daughters, so hair is not my strong point. But I am pleased with the shawl and dress. I used scraps of leftover wool (all hand sewn) I had lying around the house and tried to get a bit of that modern ‘Irish Coleen’ look.”

8. ‘Red Hot Ruby’ by Jason Boyle

9. Sindy by Julie Ann Takle
“I have re-rooted her hair, hand painted her face and replaced her eyelashes too. I didn’t deviate from her original features as I feel she would no longer be Sindy if she was made to look any other way.
Her clothes were hand sewn, I didn’t enclosed shoes as I can’t make them but I do think a nice pair of bulky trainers would suit her.”

10. Mars Test Pilot Sindy by Helen O’Brien
“In 2013 space is no fantasy for Sindy as she becomes the first test pilot to Mars!”

11. 50th Anniversary Sindy by Helen Rochfort

12. Sindy by Harry Barton

13. Pin-up Sindy by Fiona Wilson
“I am a painter of pin-up girls so my Sindy couldn’t be anything else!”

14. Sindy by Russell Wylie

15. Retro Check by Joseph Coloff
>> See Retro Check, renamed Retro Chick in the Sindy Style Guides version here

16. Steffany by Jenna O’Carroll